I lived at the DeVeau house for about 4 months during my recovery in 2020. The DeVeau house changed my life in so many ways and I am forever grateful to the house and the individuals there. The option of living at the DeVeau house came at a time in my life when returning to my old life in an even smaller town was no longer possible. After my 47 day stay at CVFC Campus, I needed somewhere to go that wasn’t returning back to my old life and not forcing me into a new one alone. I was absolutely terrified. Almost to the point of being forced to return to my life before and giving into family pressure. I was informed about the DeVeau house through my team at the Campus and I had several fears and concerns about going. I was worried about having a roommate, concerned about the ability to see my children, if I could get along with other women, and if this would even help me. Not only was the DeVeau house full of strong and sober women, support and accommodations, but it was a place for me to be able to go to be safe in recovery and still see my children. Through my recovery and the support of the house I was able to fully leave my past life and see how damaging it was to my well-being and how it impacted my drinking. While at the DeVeau house I had a chance to meet incredible people and the ability to integrate into the very welcoming sober community of Plattsburgh. I was able to attend self-help meetings, attend local dinners, better my supports, and find a sense of contentment within myself. Although my time at the DeVeau house was short, the house and the individuals there gave me long lasting skills and support that opened up several doors of opportunity that enhanced my recovery even more. Thanks to the house I was able to make the decision to stay in Plattsburgh and build my sober life here. After a little over 4 months I made the decision to obtain my own apartment and live with my children and I knew that I had the full backing of DeVeau and the recovery community where I knew I would be okay. I am almost 2 years sober today and a majority of my thanks and gratitude is to the DeVeau house and the support I still receive from there. I have lasting memories and still am in contact with the women I lived with as well as who is there today. DeVeau gave me the power to leave my old life and obtain a new, healthy, sober, fulling one. Anyone who is offered a chance to stay at the DeVeau house I truly wholeheartedly encourage you to go, whether it’s a long time or a short time like myself. Either way you’ll find your recovery family, you’ll obtain the supports to get you through, and most importantly, you’ll discover yourself.
How to live, how to trust
Before coming to DeVeau, I knew nothing about recovery or how to live. I definitely didn’t understand unconditional love or fellowship, or how to trust. DeVeau has given me the tools to become the woman I’ve always wanted to be. Through DeVeau I have gained friendships that I believe will last a lifetime and the true meaning of love to myself and others. I have learned how to live, how to trust, and how to be a decent human. It was hard being from an area I wasn’t familiar with trying to start a new life with no real roots. I still today view DeVeau as my second home and any woman there my friend. I’m so grateful for the family I’ve gained by living there and the life I have. Mary DeVeau House is an absolute blessing and I wouldn’t have had my experience any other way.
Brianna H.
Accountability and independence
I have a long history of alcoholism. I am not unfamiliar with residential programs at continued treatment care such as sober houses or halfway houses. My experience with the Mary DeVeau house was exceptional. I was held accountable for my whereabouts and actions, but also allowed and encouraged independence. I was surrounded by a true sense of camaraderie and support. At the same time, I was encouraged to get to know myself. The environment took the sting out of making mistakes and as a result, I could learn from those mistakes. I often felt comfortable enough to be vulnerable. I have experienced essential breakthroughs at the Mary DeVeau house as well as some of my hardest laughs to date. The special dynamics and care provided by DeVeau is directly molding me into the person I am becoming today – and the person I have always hoped to be.
Robynn W.
Friends for life
I spent a year and 8 months at the DeVeau House. When I got there, I was nervous about being around new people. I was welcomed by open arms by the residents! My time spent there I used to focus on my recovery from alcohol. Part of my stay involved working a 12 step program. I am grateful everyday that I was able to be a part of this community! The women I lived with will be friends for life!
Dianna P.
Taught me to give life color again
Before I came to DeVeau I was still lost and confused; for years it was always a revolving door. I was giving up hope on myself but something out there had better plans for my life. I didn’t know how to survive in the real world sober, it was terrifying. Rehab gave me the tools and planted the seeds but the DeVeau house taught me how to give life color again. They helped me reconnect and build a life with my son, and gave me the foundation I needed for the life I live today. The connection is for a lifetime. It’ll always be my home away from home.
Jerika F.
the foundation
The Mary DeVeau House is the foundation that every Woman needs. If a woman is serious about her recovery and is willing to do a little work, her life will go a long way. If she really wants it she can get it.
not always easy
I want everyone to know how very grateful I am to have been able to stay at the house while gaining the courage and strength to move to my own place. While it was not always easy, the opportunity was such a blessing!
showing up
The Mary DeVeau House provided me with what I otherwise could not have simulated; rules including attending morning meditation, daily attendance at meetings, and completing my post-rehab out-patient treatment. My accountability while living in the house proves to be the most useful tool I have today. I “show up” and strive to be a part of my community.
Sarah Ann E.
Plant my feet
Let me begin with saying “Thank you!” Thanks to the Mary Deveau house, I am able to plant my feet on the ground. It gives me a safe and sober place to live while getting my life back on track. The women here have been the best support I could possibly imagine. Without the structure of the Mary Deveau house, I don’t know how I would be. It definitely is an amazing place to live and helps me big time in maintaining my sobriety. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have truly helped me in more ways than I can explain. My heart is full of gratitude now-days thanks to you!!
Sarah Grace Killburn
Saved my life
The Mary Deveau house saved my life.
Deb L
Forever grateful
The Mary Deveau house has simply changed my life completely. Most important, it has helped me remain clean&sober. But also learn how to live again. Even when there have been bumps in the road they never gave up on me. We are a family here, full of love, support, and hope. Day by day, I am growing into the woman I always dreamed to be. Except now they are no longer dreams and wishes..All the prayers are being granted to me.