
An oasis for women in recovery

First and foremost, The Mary DeVeau House is a home. A safe place to eat and sleep while sharing our lives with loved ones.
The Mary DeVeau Women’s Sober Living House is the only nonprofit residence of it’s kind in norther New York.
We accept women with 30 days of documented recovery who have been recommended for a disciplined, long-term residential environment to strengthen their recovery tools and relearn healthy life skills.
What is a sober living house?

A sober living house is an affordable, alcohol and drug-free environment that provides a positive and supportive place for recovery.
The DeVeau House is a communal living environment that supports 10 women who are highly motivated to maintain their recovery. Each resident is a participating member of the house and is responsible for daily chores.
The primary requirements for residency include: the desire to be clean and sober, and adherence to individual treatment plans. Residents are encouraged to seek full time employment when appropriate.
The Mary DeVeau House has zero tolerance for drugs and alcohol. Any resident who violates this policy will be immediately asked to leave the house and will not be allowed to remain on the premises.
We’re here for you.
phone: 518-420-8833
fax: 518-324-5598
PO Box 2002
Plattsburgh, NY 12901